


An independent school education is a considerable investment for many families. 有超过400万美元的基于需求的赠款, 约有20%的隐修会家庭获资助. Priory’s financial aid awards are grants, not loans, meaning they do not need to be repaid. 许多助学金涵盖了大部分学杂费. Financial aid at Priory is need-based; like most independent schools in the Bay Area, 我们不提供择优奖学金.  适用于获得大量经济援助的家庭, we also provide additional assistance to pay for other required fees (i.e.、书籍).
The size of each family’s financial aid award is based on the determined need and funds available in the school's financial aid budget. Priory与Clarity合作, an organization that provides an independent assessment of each financial aid application. Families receive notice of financial aid awards with their acceptance letters in March. Priory families receiving financial aid are required to reapply for financial aid each year, 奖励可能会随着家庭情况的变化而调整.
Since every family has different circumstances governing their financial ability to contribute towards an independent school education, financial aid grants will vary depending on the information and circumstances provided in the financial aid application. Families who believe affording tuition and fees at Priory would cause significant financial hardship are encouraged to apply for financial aid.

Begin the financial aid application process* by clicking on the blue "金融援助: Getting Started" button at the top right or go directly to the 清晰的主页 创建一个帐户. The application typically takes less than 30 minutes to complete. The Clarity Application is also mobile-friendly so you can complete it from anywhere. You are also able to save your progress and return at any time. 在应用程序的最后, 提交需要支付55美元的费用, and you can share your application with additional schools that accept the Clarity Application for no additional charge. Simply use the dropdown menu in the application to select those schools.


如果你对财政援助的更多信息感兴趣, please take a look at our recorded webinar explaining the process below. 使用密码2K#quU1R访问.



  • At what income level is my family ineligible for financial aid?

    我们的方法考虑了收入, 资产, and expenses for both parents and students (where applicable). We also consider daycare costs and other private school tuitions, 包括本科学院/大学学费. Our goal is to provide a family with a reasonable amount expected to be paid towards a Priory education. 没有一个全面的界限可供考虑.
  • Will applying for financial aid affect my child's chances for admission?

    Woodside Priory awarded over $4 million in financial aid for the 2022-2023 school year. The admissions committee is tasked with identifying each applicant's gifts and talents regardless of their ability to pay. 我们鼓励所有家庭申请, we invite families to consider how affording a Priory education will affect their family's financial situation.
  • What if I am separated, divorced, never married, or have re-married?

    像许多私立学校一样, Priory understands that the primary responsibility for financing an independent school education falls primarily on the family. This responsibility requires both parents and legal guardians, 包括继父母, 支付孩子的教育费用. 在实践中, this understanding means that both custodial and non-custodial parents are required to complete the financial aid application.
    If the non-custodial parent has no involvement in the child's life, a letter from a third party (outside of the family) is required to petition for a waiver.
  • 如果将来我们需要经济援助怎么办?

    We recognize that life circumstances may cause families to need aid to keep their child enrolled at the Priory. 然而, 除非财政状况发生异常变化, families should not plan to apply for aid if they did not initially apply as a part of their admissions application to the School.
  • 我们的助学金每年都有变化吗?

    助学金每年颁发一次, and enrolling families will see their financial aid award disclosed in their Enrollment Agreement. Families are also required to reapply for financial aid annually if aid is needed in the following school year.
    Unless there is a significant change in a family's financial circumstance, families should expect to receive consistent levels of financial aid.
  • 国际学生可以申请经济资助吗?

    Woodside Priory's boarding program is distinctive in intimate size and student diversity. While we can consider international students who may need need-based financial aid, international applicants should remember that financial aid grants are highly competitive. 面向所有国际学生, the request for financial aid will be considered in the admissions process. Priory does not award merit-based (based on academic qualifications or other talents) scholarships. International students must complete the financial aid application like other students wishing to be considered for financial aid.


New applicants to Priory wishing to be considered for financial aid should note the following important dates:

  • 2023年9月5日 财务援助申请通过Clarity上线
  • 2024年1月9日 财政援助申请截止
  • 2024年1月9日 应提交的证明文件 
Financial aid decisions are only released to families offered admission.


Families currently receiving financial aid should remember the following dates:

  • 2023年12月14日 通过Clarity申请经济援助
  • 2024年2月18日 应提交的证明文件
Financial aid awards will be released in the Enrollment Agreement during the re-enrollment process.


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