

The mission of Priory's Residential Life Program is to assist boarding students in living lives rich in wellbeing.


我们称它为家外之家. 每年, 约50名学生, 从九年级到十二年级, join a rich tradition of boarding at the Priory that dates back to the school's founding in 1957. 在我们的寄宿计划中, students from near and far 感觉 known and loved in our boarding program as we practice the Benedictine maxim of "all are welcome." Along with all residential 教师, I challenge them to become their best selves.
At Priory, we emphasize wellbeing in our residential curriculum. Leveraging research from the exciting new field of positive psychology, my team and I work closely with each boarding student to define, 测量, 让他们的身体发育, 心理, 学术, 公共福利. We use data-driven strategies to help students discover their character strengths, 使意义, 发现流, 建立高质量的联系, 自我调节, 从失败中汲取教训, 追随他们的幸福, 培养感恩之心, 定期锻炼, 优先考虑睡眠, 建立弹性, 过平衡的生活.
Our boarding program's most distinctive feature is our residential 教师, 我们的学生亲切地称之为“RFs”.' Hired full-time and for the exclusive purpose of mentoring our boarding students, 我们有才华, 充满激情的, and experienced educators provide meaningful mentorship for dormers outside of the classroom. With their working hours beginning at the end of the school day, our 住宅教员 dedicate their energy and time to support each dormer's individual needs. RFs come to know boarding students in deep and abiding ways. It is not uncommon for graduated dormers to visit the Priory. Invariably, the first people they ask to see are our 住宅教员. These relationships make the Priory a unique boarding experience.
Our boarding students bring a unique perspective and depth to our community that makes our community stronger. 还有他们的老师和顾问, we round out their wellbeing and foster a connection to the Priory community that often attracts frequent visitors from day students and alumni alike.
在我们寄宿学校待了四年之后, Priory dormers come to recognize the role they play in how they think, 感觉, 和行动. Simply put, the boarding program helps students flourish at the level of the head and the heart. If you would like to learn more about the distinctive, 我们的登机通道, 请不要犹豫与我联系.
I look forward to telling you more about our program.



  • What is the culture of Priory's boarding program?

    The Priory’s boarding program embodies the Benedictine maxim of “all are welcome.” Students from all around the world 感觉 known and loved in the boarding program regardless of their cultural, 种族, 少数民族, 社会经济, 宗教, 政治, 性, 或者性别认同. Dormers are encouraged to show up as their authentic selves and challenged to become their best selves. The dorms are a sacred place at the center of the Priory campus where boarding students like to live and where day students, 教师, 校友们经常来访.

  • 住宿学院的角色是什么?

    A distinguishing aspect of the Priory's boarding program is its full-time 住宅教员 (RF). Simply put, RFs provide meaningful mentorship for dormers outside of the classroom. These eight 充满激情的 and experienced educators begin working when the school day ends and thus have the energy to support the individual needs of each dormer. RFs是成年就寝者最先看到的
    in the morning and the last adults they see before going to bed. RFs work with boarding students on time management, 目标设定, 学习习惯, 内心的意识, 解决冲突, 负责任的决策, 健康的生活方式. 总而言之, RFs serve as role models for students from all around the world navigating the predictable and unpredictable challenges of adolescence.
  • 每个宿舍是怎样布置的?

    All dorm rooms come equipped with two twin-sized beds, 两个高床架, 两个桌子, 两把桌椅, 两个大衣柜, 两个存放贵重物品的小保险箱, 一个书架, a view of the gorgeous Priory campus as well as a spectacular roommate with an amazing past and an auspicious future.

  • 宿舍有公共空间吗?

    绝对! Anselm House的居民(1.e.,年轻女性)和本尼迪克特之家(i.e., young men) are permitted to enjoy the common spaces in both dormitories. 宿舍里有台球桌, 乒乓球桌, 大平板电视, 各种视频游戏机, 高速无线上网, 无数的沙发用于社交, private study carrels as well as study rooms with desktops computers, 办公用品, 和打印机.
  • Wh在一个ctivities does Priory's boarding program offer?

    Every day, 住宅教员 (RF) and dormers co-plan on and off-campus activities. Dormers are encouraged to suggest prospective trips while RFs work hard to organize activities that students will want and need. RFs drive and supervise dormers on all off-campus excursions. 这里仅举几个例子, dormers will have the opportunity in any given semester to tour San Francisco, study 在一个 coffee shop near Stanford University, 在半月湾冲浪, 计算出
    在一个 纯粹的横档 工作室, attend a Golden State Warriors basketball game, 参观现代艺术博物馆, 徒步风山, 在山景城喝波巴茶, 在太浩湖滑雪, 在斯坦福购物中心购物, 在Target购买学习用品, 在红木城看电影, and enjoy cuisine from all around the world in Palo Alto.
  • What facilities can boarding students access?

    Dormers have near 24/7 access to healthy snacks/drinks, 健身房, 独奏音乐练习室, 篮球场, 网球场, 一个跟踪, 两个足球场, 棒球场, 有机花园, 温水泳池, 隐修会礼拜堂, 演艺剧院, 机器人设备, 创客实验室, STREAM大楼, 一个自助餐厅, 共享学习(我们的图书馆), 以及附近的风山保护区.

  • How does Priory's boarding program align with Priory's mission?

    The Priory’s boarding program promotes individual growth in students by setting high expectations and providing developmentally appropriate, 个性化的, 日常的支持. Dormers develop independence and personal responsibility via the presence of a full-time 住宅教员 (RF). 这个项目的学生学习
    如何平衡工作/娱乐/休息, how to live with individuals of varying cultural, 政治, 道德框架, as well as how to engage in self-care on a daily basis.



  • 凯特·约翰森摄

    凯特 约翰森 

    (650) 851-6192
  • 玛丽·阿尔马赞的照片

    玛丽 Almazan 

    (650) 851-8224
  • 安德鲁·唐尼摄

    安德鲁 唐尼 

    住宅教员, Football/Basketball Coach
    (650) 851-8225
  • 科里·戈麦斯摄

    科里 "CJ" 戈麦斯 

    AP Psychology Teacher, 住宅教员, Middle School Coach
    Csu eb - ba
  • 迈克尔 Botsch的照片

    迈克尔  Botsch 

  • 塔蒂阿娜 瑞茜的照片

    塔蒂阿娜 瑞茜 

  • 阿 Bickell的照片

    阿 Bickell 

  • 加里·汉普顿的照片

    卡里  汉普顿 


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